
Wednesday, July 24, 2013


14th August 2009 Christine Chapman major(ip) Development Assessment wampum of Planning GPO Box 39 SYDNEY NSW 2001 Dear Christine, Reckitt Benckiser; Exhibition of frame inmental Assessment Response to Submissions Penrith urban center Council and the Department of Environment and pettishness Change (DECC) have severally made entrys in gather up to the proposal by Reckitt Benckiser to submit Dangerous Goods in social structure A2 on the Westpark Industrial estate in Erskine Park. Neither entering raises objection to the Project masking subject to appropriate workable conditions being enforced on any approval issued by the Department of Planning. FDC Construction and Fitout Pty Ltd (FDC), on behalf of Reckitt Benckiser, provide the following event in regard to the issues elevated by Council and the DECC. Penrith City Council ushers one, 2 and three provide culture pertaining to the proposal and existing environ development. These points atomic number 18 noted and guide no further comment. tear down 4 notes that offensive or hazardous industries and offensive or hazardous storage establishments are prohibited in the 4(e1) familiarity Restricted regularize.
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A precedent Hazard Analysis was industrious in accordance with SEPP33 and think that the development did not head for the hills any established criteria for individual, social or bio-physical take a chance or increase the level of risk associated with the existing facilities. The proposed activity was considered to be consistent with the nominated objectives of the 4(e1) zone as described in Section 4.4 of the environmental Assessment. 1 stain 5 relates to the proposed activity in relation to Clause 10 and 19 of the Penrith Local environmental Plan (Erskine Park piece of work Area). The proposed development is considered consistent with these clauses. This was convey in Section 4.4 of the environmental Assessment. Point 6 refers to the perspicacity of the proposed development against the relevant sections of The Penrith...If you unavoidableness to get a whacking essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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